
Topographical Global Optimisation

tgo - Stefan Endres
tgo | Stefan Endres

NOTE: This documentation is a work in progress!

Corresponding author for tgo: Stefan Endres

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Performance summary
  3. Installation
  4. Examples
  5. Parameters
  6. Returns
  7. References


Global optimisation using topographical global optimisation [1]. Appropriate for solving general purpose NLP and blackbox optimisation problems to global optimality (low dimensional problems).

In general, the optimisation problems are of the form::

\begin{eqnarray} \nonumber \min_x && f(x), x \in \mathbb{R}^n \\\ \nonumber \text{s.t.} && g_i(x) \ge 0, ~ \forall i = 1,…,m \\\ \nonumber && h_j(x) = 0, ~\forall j = 1,…,p \end{eqnarray}

where $x$ is a vector of one or more variables. $f(x)$ is the objective function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$

$g_i(x)$ are the inequality constraints $\mathbb{g}: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m$

$h_j(x)$ are the equality constraints $\mathbb{h}: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^p$

Optionally, the lower and upper bounds $x_l \le x \le x_u$ for each element in $x$ can also be specified using the bounds argument.

ITGO is a clustering method that uses graph theory to generate good starting points for local search methods from points distributed uniformly in the interior of the feasible set.

The local search method may be specified using the minimizer_kwargs parameter which is inputted to scipy.optimize.minimize. By default the SLSQP method is used. Other local minimisation methods more suited to the problem can also be used. In general it is recommended to use the SLSQP or COBYLA local minimization if inequality constraints are defined for the problem since the other methods do not use constraints.

The sobol method points are generated using the Sobol [2] sequence. The primitive polynomials and various sets of initial direction numbers for generating Sobol sequences is provided by [3] by Frances Kuo and Stephen Joe. The original program (MIT) is available and described at translated to Python 3 by Carl Sandrock 2016-03-31.

The algorithm is generally applicable to low dimensional black problems (~10-dimensional problems) unless more information can be supplied to the algorithm. This is not necessarily only gradients and hessians. For example if it is known that the decision variables of the objective function are symmetric, then the symmetry option can be used in order to solve problems with hundreds of variables.

Performance summary

Open-source black-box algorithms

The tgo algorithm only makes use of function evaluations without requiring the derivatives of objective functions. This makes it applicable to black-box global optimisation problems. Here we compare the TGO and SHGO algorithms with the SciPy implementations Jones et al. (2001–) of basinhopping (BH) [4-5] and differential evolution (DE) orignally proposed Storn and Price [6]. These algorithms were chosen because the open source versions are readily available in the SciPy project. The test suite contains multi-modal problems with box constraints, they are described in detail in We used the stopping criteria pe = 0.01% for shgo and tgo. Any local function evaluations were added to the global count. For the stochastic algorithms (BH and DE) the starting points provided by the test suite were used. For every test the algorithm was terminated if the global minimum was not found after 10 minutes of processing time and the test was flagged as a fail.

This figure shows the performance profiles for SHGO, TGO, DE and BH on the SciPy benchmarking test suite using function evaluations and processing run time as performance criteria:


Performance profiles zoomed in to the range of f.e. = [0, 1000] function evaluations and [0, 0.4] seconds run time:


From the figures it can be observed that for this problem set shgo-sobol was the best performing algorithm, followed closely by tgo and shgo-simpl. The zoomed figure provides a clearer comparison between these three algorithms. While the performance of all 3 algorithms are comparable, shgo-Sobol tends to outperform shgo, solving more problems or a given number of function evaluations. This is expected since, for the same sampling point sequence, tgo produced more than one starting point in the same locally convex domain while shgo is guaranteed to only produce one after adequate sampling. While shgo-simpl has the advantage of having the theoretical guarantee of convergence, the sampling sequence has not been optimised yet requiring more function evaluations with every iteration than shgo-sobol.

Recently published black-box algorithms

A recent review and experimental comparison of 22 derivative-free optimisation algorithms by Rios and Sahinidis [7] concluded that global optimisation solvers solvers such as TOMLAB/MULTI-MIN, TOMLAB/GLCCLUSTER, MCS and TOMLAB/LGO perform better, on average, than other derivative-free solvers in terms of solution quality within 2500 function evaluations. Both the TOMLAB/GLC-CLUSTER and MCS Huyer and Neumaier (1999) implementations are based on the well-known DIRECT (DIviding RECTangle) algorithm [8].

The DISIMPL (DIviding SIMPLices) algorithm was recently proposed by Paulavičius and Žilinskas [9]. The experimental investigation in [9] shows that the proposed simplicial algorithm gives very competitive results compared to the DIRECT algorithm. DISIMPL has been extended in [10-11]. The Gb-DISIMPL (Globally-biased DISIMPL) was compared in Paulavičius et al. (2014) [10] to the DIRECT and DIRECT-l methods in extensive numerical experiments on 800 multidimensional multiextremal. Gb-DISIMPL was shown to provide highly competative results compared the other algorithms.

More recently the Lc-DISIMPL variant of the algorithm was developed to handle optimisation problems with linear constraints [12]. Below we use an extract of the results with the highest performing Lc-DISIMPL algorithm (Lc-DISIMPL-v) and DIRECT-L1 with the best performaning parameters (pp = 10). The full table can be found at here. From the table it can be seen shgo provides competative results compared to the other algorithms:

Algorithm:shgo-simplshgo-sobLc-DISIMPL-vPSwarm (avg)DIRECT-L1

$a$ result is outside the feasible region

$b(t)$ $t$ out of 10 times the global solution was not reached

Lc-DISIMPL-v, PSwarm (avg), DIRECT-L1 results produced by Paulavičius & Žilinskas (2016)



$ pip install tgo


$ git clone
$ cd tgo
$ python install
$ python test


First consider the problem of minimizing the Rosenbrock function. This function is implemented in rosen in scipy.optimize

    >>> from scipy.optimize import rosen
    >>> from tgo import tgo
    >>> bounds = [(0,2), (0, 2), (0, 2), (0, 2), (0, 2)]
    >>> result = tgo(rosen, bounds)
    >>> result.x,
    (array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]), 2.9203923741900809e-18)

Note that bounds determine the dimensionality of the objective function and is therefore a required input, however you can specify empty bounds using None or objects like numpy.inf which will be converted to large float numbers.

>>> bounds = [(None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None)]
>>> result = tgo(rosen, bounds)
>>> result.x
array([ 0.99999851,  0.99999704,  0.99999411,  0.9999882 ])

Next we consider the Eggholder function, a problem with several local minima and one global minimum. (

    >>> from tgo import tgo
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> def eggholder(x):
    ...     return (-(x[1] + 47.0)
    ...             * np.sin(np.sqrt(abs(x[0]/2.0 + (x[1] + 47.0))))
    ...             - x[0] * np.sin(np.sqrt(abs(x[0] - (x[1] + 47.0))))
    ...             )
    >>> bounds = [(-512, 512), (-512, 512)]
    >>> result = tgo(eggholder, bounds)
    >>> result.x,
    (array([ 512.        ,  404.23180542]), -959.64066272085051)

tgo also has a return for any other local minima that was found, these can be called using:

>>> result.xl, result.funl
(array([[ 512.        ,  404.23180542],
       [-456.88574619, -382.6233161 ],
       [ 283.07593402, -487.12566542],
       [ 324.99187533,  216.0475439 ],
       [-105.87688985,  423.15324143],
       [-242.97923629,  274.38032063],
       [-414.8157022 ,   98.73012628],
       [ 150.2320956 ,  301.31377513],
       [  91.00922754, -391.28375925],
       [ 361.66626134, -106.96489228]]),
       array([-959.64066272, -786.52599408, -718.16745962, -582.30628005,
       -565.99778097, -559.78685655, -557.85777903, -493.9605115 ,
       -426.48799655, -419.31194957]))

Now suppose we want to find a larger amount of local minima, this can be accomplished for example by increasing the amount of sampling points…

    >>> result_2 = tgo(eggholder, bounds, n=1000)
    >>> len(result.xl), len(result_2.xl)
    (10, 60)

…or by lowering the k_t value:

    >>> result_3 = tgo(eggholder, bounds, k_t=1)
    >>> len(result.xl), len(result_2.xl), len(result_3.xl)
    (10, 60, 48)

To demonstrate solving problems with non-linear constraints consider the following example from [5] (Hock and Schittkowski problem 18):

Minimize: f = 0.01 * (x_1)2 + (x_2)2

Subject to: x_1 * x_2 - 25.0 >= 0, (x_1)2 + (x_2)2 - 25.0 >= 0, 2 <= x_1 <= 50, 0 <= x_2 <= 50.

Approx. Answer: f([(250)0.5 , (2.5)0.5]) = 5.0

from scipy.optimize import tgo def f(x): … return 0.01 * (x[0])2 + (x[1])2 … def g1(x): … return x[0] * x[1] - 25.0 … def g2(x): … return x[0]2 + x[1]2 - 25.0 … g = (g1, g2) bounds = [(2, 50), (0, 50)] result = tgo(f, bounds, g_cons=g) result.x, (array([ 15.81138847, 1.58113881]), 4.9999999999996252)


func : callable

The objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form f(x, *args), where x is the argument in the form of a 1-D array and args is a tuple of any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the function.

bounds : sequence

Bounds for variables. (min, max) pairs for each element in x, defining the lower and upper bounds for the optimizing argument of func. It is required to have len(bounds) == len(x). len(bounds) is used to determine the number of parameters in x. Use None for one of min or max when there is no bound in that direction. By default bounds are (None, None).

args : tuple, optional

Any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the objective function.

constraints : dict or sequence of dict, optional

Constraints definition. Function(s) $\mathbb{R}^n$ in the form:

$g(x) \le 0$ applied as $\mathbb{g}: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m$

$h(x) = 0$ applied as $\mathbb{g}: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^p$

Each constraint is defined in a dictionary with fields:

* type : str
    Constraint type: 'eq' for equality $h(x), 'ineq' for inequality $g(x).
* fun : callable
    The function defining the constraint.
* jac : callable, optional
    The Jacobian of `fun` (only for SLSQP).
* args : sequence, optional
    Extra arguments to be passed to the function and Jacobian.

Equality constraint means that the constraint function result is to be zero whereas inequality means that it is to be non-negative. Note that COBYLA only supports inequality constraints.

NOTE: Only the COBYLA and SLSQP local minimize methods currently support constraint arguments. If the constraints sequence used in the local optimization problem is not defined in minimizer_kwargs and a constrained method is used then the global constraints will be used. (Defining a constraints sequence in minimizer_kwargs means that constraints will not be added so if equality constraints and so forth need to be added then the inequality functions in constraints need to be added to minimizer_kwargs too).

n : int, optional

Number of sampling points used in the construction of the simplicial complex. Note that this argument is only used for sobol and other arbitrary sampling_methods.

iters : int, optional

Number of iterations used in the construction of the simplicial complex.

callback : callable, optional

Called after each iteration, as callback(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.

minimizer_kwargs : dict, optional

Extra keyword arguments to be passed to the minimizer scipy.optimize.minimize Some important options could be:

* method : str
    The minimization method (e.g. ``SLSQP``)
* args : tuple
    Extra arguments passed to the objective function (``func``) and
    its derivatives (Jacobian, Hessian).
* options : dict, optional
    Note that by default the tolerance is specified as ``{ftol: 1e-12}``

options : dict, optional

A dictionary of solver options. Many of the options specified for the global routine are also passed to the scipy.optimize.minimize routine. The options that are also passed to the local routine are marked with an (L)

Stopping criteria, the algorithm will terminate if any of the specified criteria are met. However, the default algorithm does not require any to be specified:

* maxfev : int (L)
    Maximum number of function evaluations in the feasible domain.
    (Note only methods that support this option will terminate
    the routine at precisely exact specified value. Otherwise the
    criterion will only terminate during a global iteration)
* f_min
    Specify the minimum objective function value, if it is known.
* f_tol : float
    Precision goal for the value of f in the stopping
    criterion. Note that the global routine will also
    terminate if a sampling point in the global routine is
    within this tolerance.
* maxiter : int
    Maximum number of iterations to perform.
* maxev : int
    Maximum number of sampling evaluations to perform (includes
    searching in infeasible points).
* maxtime : float
    Maximum processing runtime allowed
* minhgrd : int
    Minimum  homology group rank differential. The homology group of the
    objective function is calculated (approximately) during every
    iteration. The rank of this group has a one-to-one correspondence
    with the number of locally convex subdomains in the objective
    function (after adequate sampling points each of these subdomains
    contain a unique global minima). If the difference in the hgr is 0
    between iterations for ``maxhgrd`` specified iterations the
    algorithm will terminate.

Objective function knowledge:

* symmetry : bool
    Specify True if the objective function contains symmetric variables.
    The search space (and therefore performance) is decreased by O(n!).

* jac : bool or callable, optional
    Jacobian (gradient) of objective function. Only for CG, BFGS,
    Newton-CG, L-BFGS-B, TNC, SLSQP, dogleg, trust-ncg. If jac is a
    Boolean and is True, fun is assumed to return the gradient along
    with the objective function. If False, the gradient will be
    estimated numerically. jac can also be a callable returning the
    gradient of the objective. In this case, it must accept the same
    arguments as fun. (Passed to `scipy.optimize.minmize` automatically)

* hess, hessp : callable, optional
    Hessian (matrix of second-order derivatives) of objective function
    or Hessian of objective function times an arbitrary vector p.
    Only for Newton-CG, dogleg, trust-ncg. Only one of hessp or hess
    needs to be given. If hess is provided, then hessp will be ignored.
    If neither hess nor hessp is provided, then the Hessian product
    will be approximated using finite differences on jac. hessp must
    compute the Hessian times an arbitrary vector.
    (Passed to `scipy.optimize.minmize` automatically)

Algorithm settings:

* minimize_every_iter : bool
    If True then promising global sampling points will be passed to a
    local minimisation routine every iteration. If False then only the
    final minimiser pool will be run. Defaults to False.
* local_iter : int
    Only evaluate a few of the best minimiser pool candiates every
    iteration. If False all potential points are passed to the local
    minimsation routine.
* infty_constraints: bool
    If True then any sampling points generated which are outside will
    the feasible domain will be saved and given an objective function
    value of numpy.inf. If False then these points will be discarded.
    Using this functionality could lead to higher performance with
    respect to function evaluations before the global minimum is found,
    specifying False will use less memory at the cost of a slight
    decrease in performance.


* disp : bool (L)
    Set to True to print convergence messages.

sampling_method : str or function, optional

Current built in sampling method options are sobol and simplicial. The default simplicial uses less memory and provides the theoretical guarantee of convergence to the global minimum in finite time. The sobol method is faster in terms of sampling point generation at the cost of higher memory resources and the loss of guaranteed convergence. It is more appropriate for most “easier” problems where the convergence is relatively fast. User defined sampling functions must accept two arguments of n sampling points of dimension dim per call and output an array of s ampling points with shape n x dim. See SHGO.sampling_sobol for an example function.


res : OptimizeResult

The optimization result represented as a OptimizeResult object. Important attributes are: x the solution array corresponding to the global minimum, fun the function output at the global solution, xl an ordered list of local minima solutions, funl the function output at the corresponding local solutions, success a Boolean flag indicating if the optimizer exited successfully, message which describes the cause of the termination, nfev the total number of objective function evaluations including the sampling calls, nlfev the total number of objective function evaluations culminating from all local search optimisations,